Why I Prefer HubSpot to Other Platforms

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Why I Prefer HubSpot to Other Platforms

A few weeks ago, a prospect asked me to explain to them why they should consider migrating to HubSpot CMS. I freestyled in my email response and decided to share it here as well. Here it goes:

HubSpot has a wide variety of features, making it an incredible CMS for marketers. In fact, it's the only CMS that was built for marketers first (and not developers). Here are a few comparison bullet points:

HubSpot CMS vs Traditional CMS

Let me share a few things that I personally love:

1. HubSpot CMS is built on top of HubSpot CRM, so you get unparalleled visibility into how your web visitors interact with your website. This opens you up to endless possibilities. For example, you can configure a notification to go out to your sales team when a particular contact or company visits your website.

HubSpot CMS backed by HubSpot CRM

2. Drag & Drop Modules. HubSpot’s pages (if your developer is up-to-speed on best practices) are built using HubSpot’s drag & drop modules. This means that your non-technical team of marketers can easily build your web pages or add/remove modules to landing pages. Publishing blog posts is a breeze as well.

Drag and drop HubSpot CMS editing

3. SEO & Content Optimization Me, personally -- I'm an SEO & content marketing nerd. That's how I got into HubSpot in the first place. There's no better CMS to ramp out your organic acquisition. HubSpot CMS comes with a wide variety of reports and SEO optimization tools that your team can follow to ensure every new piece of content that goes out is SEO-optimized.

HubSpot SEO optimization

4. Personalized content is an amazing feature that I also love. Here's an article that I wrote about it, for your reference: Master Personalized Content with HubSpot.

5. Security. This is a huge one. Sometimes, I think our CTO loves HubSpot just for that. WordPress is known for its security vulnerabilities. In fact, we helped one of our customers, LivTech, migrate from WordPress to HubSpot, as they discovered a vulnerability in one of the WordPress plugins and decided to part ways with WordPress.

HubSpot is one of the most secure platforms out there.

hubspot security speed

And I’m not the only one who is hooked on the platform. Here’s a G2 Grid that names HubSpot CMS a leader in Web Content Management.

g2 grid HubSpot CMS leading

All this functionality comes natively and works like clockwork with HubSpot CRM. There is no need to install and manage pluggins.

HubSpot is a platform that grows with you. Start small and take advantage of a 90% startup discount, or migrate your established organization to HubSpot and watch the magic happen.