Intern With HubBase

HubBase does more than produce stunning, responsive, scalable websites for companies. Our team is also passionate about helping up-and-coming web developers and designers sharpen their skills and accomplish their professional goals. Not only are we always on the lookout for opportunities to do this, but we’ve created an opportunity via our internship program.

Could you be the next HubBase intern? Let’s find out!

Who You Are

You may be a great fit for our internship program if you are:

  • Currently studying web design and/or development, have a degree already, or possess equivalent experience
  • An effective communicator and able to work well with others
  • Dependable in every sense of the word (including being able to meet deadlines and juggle various responsibilities without compromising quality)
  • Thrilled about the opportunity to make a positive impact for business owners through your work
  • Hungry for knowledge, hands-on experience, and constructive feedback to help you hone your craft

What You’ll Be Doing

What does a day in the life of a HubBase intern look like? You’ll be working alongside our team to:

  • Gather and refine technical specifications and requirements
  • Write clean, testable code in line with development best practices
  • Create website layouts and user interfaces according to industry best practices
  • Design and edit web pages so that they align with each client’s business and marketing goals
  • Diagnose and resolve front and back-end website errors
  • ...and more!

What’s In It For You?

Among other benefits, this internship opportunity will reward you in the following ways. You’ll:

  • HubBase internship experience on your resume
  • References for the future employers from the HubBase's CTO
  • Get an accurate picture of what’s it like to work in the industry
  • Accelerate your progress and enhance your skills rapidly through real-world experience and hands-on training
  • Learn the tricks of the trade from our experienced team members and expand your professional network in the process

We Want YOU. Apply Today!

If this opportunity interests you and you feel you could add value to our team, we want to hear from you. Apply today Email: and you just might be the next HubBase intern!

We're excited to hear from you!