Our Approach to Web Pentesting


Defensive Security

We focus on defensive coding, which ensures the programmer doesn't introduce any security vulnerability and writes high-performance code.

We also perform source code reviews before a website page or component is made live.

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Offensive Security

Pentesting is performed to ensure that the application doesn’t have any data validation or client-side injection vulnerabilities.

CVE, GitHub, or any other databases are scanned for any known vulnerabilities.

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Web Pentesting is Essential for All Businesses

Most companies focus on web design, responsiveness, marketing copy, SEO, loading speed. Those elements are crucial, but the security aspect of websites is often overlooked.

Our web security approach is highly effective in mitigating the risk of website vulnerabilities to things like injection flaws (like SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Clickjacking, Denial of Service (DoS), Command Injection, and many others.

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Manual inspections: Adding human testing on top of pentesting tools.

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Threat modeling: Pinpointing what threats your website may face

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Black box testing: Penetration testing without any identifying information

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Code review: Reviewing code to guarantee there are no vulnerabilities present

Why pentesting is a great tool

What systems or protocols do you have in place if a data breach were to happen or if malware were to be detected on your website? What security controls will be implemented to reduce the risk of compromised systems, applications, configurations, or information? Knowing how to respond to, or better yet, prevent malicious attacks from happening is paramount to staying vigilant and making sure that your digital assets remain safe and secure.  

Website penetration testing is chiefly employed as an offensive security strategy. Pentesting can help ensure that websites or web applications are free of website vulnerabilities. This is done by performing a series of tests to manually seek out potential attack vectors and other malicious code or activity that a website or web app may have. As cybersecurity experts breach their own systems and networks to identify flaws or gaps in their infrastructure, they proactively secure their defenses to eliminate any potential attack vectors.

Our cybersecurity professionals who perform website penetration tests have in-depth expertise working with the set of tools that cybercriminals could use to exploit vulnerabilities of websites. Knowing all the different ways a cybercriminal could compromise cybersecurity ahead of time means better opportunities to intercept malicious activity in real-time or at least understand what to investigate after an attack—anticipating attack vectors, threat modeling, and penetration testing are all key components of offensive security.