HubSpot Zendesk Integration

Connect Zendesk with HubSpot

Fully Secure Integration

Scalable & Fast

Support Included

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Examples of Integration Workflow Triggers and Actions

New Ticket Created in Zendesk

Triggered when a new support ticket is created in Zendesk. Use this to create or update records in HubSpot CRM, allowing for better customer management and follow-up.

Ticket Status Change

Activated when the status of a support ticket changes in Zendesk. Use this to trigger notifications or updates in HubSpot, ensuring relevant stakeholders are informed of ticket progress.

New Comment Added to Ticket

Triggered when a new comment is added to a support ticket in Zendesk. Use this to update ticket records or notify relevant teams in HubSpot about customer interactions.

Ticket Priority Update

Activated when the priority of a support ticket is updated in Zendesk. Use this to trigger urgent notifications or escalate tickets in HubSpot CRM based on priority levels.

New Ticket Created by Contact

Triggered when a contact creates a new support ticket in Zendesk. Use this to update contact records in HubSpot or initiate follow-up actions based on ticket creation.

Ticket Assignment Change

Activated when the assigned agent or team of a support ticket changes in Zendesk. Use this to update ticket ownership or trigger notifications to relevant teams in HubSpot.

New Organization Created in Zendesk

Triggered when a new organization is created in Zendesk. Use this to create or update corresponding company records in HubSpot CRM, facilitating customer relationship management.

Organization Update in Zendesk

Activated when an organization's details are updated in Zendesk. Use this to sync organization data between Zendesk and HubSpot CRM, ensuring data consistency across platforms.

New User Created in Zendesk

Triggered when a new user is created in Zendesk. Use this to create or update corresponding contact records in HubSpot CRM, enabling seamless customer management.

User Update in Zendesk

Activated when a user's details are updated in Zendesk. Use this to sync user data between Zendesk and HubSpot CRM, ensuring up-to-date contact information for customer communication.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Integrating Zendesk with HubSpot allows for seamless ticket management and collaboration, streamlining support processes and improving response times.
Yes, leveraging HubSpot's customer data enables personalized interactions and tailored support solutions in Zendesk, enhancing overall customer experience.
Absolutely, you can automate support processes and ticket routing between HubSpot and Zendesk, ensuring timely resolution of customer issues and inquiries.
By syncing customer data between HubSpot and Zendesk, the integration facilitates effective CRM, allowing for better customer management and follow-up.
Yes, HubSpot provides visibility into support ticket progress and customer interactions, enabling better coordination and communication between support teams.
Yes, the integration ensures consistent and accurate customer data across HubSpot and Zendesk, reducing errors and improving data integrity.
Yes, you can set up automation rules in HubSpot to escalate urgent support tickets in Zendesk based on predefined criteria or priority levels.
By syncing customer data between HubSpot and Zendesk, the integration fosters collaboration between sales and support teams, enabling them to work together more effectively to address customer needs.
Absolutely, you can leverage customer support data from Zendesk to create targeted marketing campaigns in HubSpot, ensuring relevant messaging and engagement with customers.
Using HubSpot and Zendesk together provides a comprehensive solution for customer support, allowing for efficient ticket management, personalized interactions, and seamless collaboration between teams.